bLuE E.A.R. is a project founded by the Bailey Family and supported by Bailey Acupuncture Ltd. that provides ear acupuncture for Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders.
The primary goal of bLuE E.A.R. is to support mental wellness by offering the NADA protocol and Battlefield Acupuncture to support staff and officers at their unit of assignment free of charge.

Promotes relaxation
Improves sleep
Decreases anxiety
Increases energy
Promotes mental clarity
Enhances stress management
Enhances sense of purpose & well being
Reduces cravings for alcohol and drugs, including nicotene
Minimizes withdrawal symptoms
An intention for recovery
Relief from stress and emotional trauma
An easier connection with counseling
A discovery of inner quiet and strength
The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) ear acupuncture protocol is a non-verbal approach to healing that involves the gentle placement of up to five small, sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear. The recipients sit quietly in a group setting for 30-45 minutes. NADA ear acupuncture is an adjunct therapy which is clinically effective, cost-efficient, drug-free and compatible cross-culturally. The protocol is understood to have less of one specific effect on addictions or any single behavioral health condition, rather as a stress reduction and calming technique beneficial as an adjunct to many different conditions. The combined application of acupuncture with counseling, education, medical support and self-help groups such as AA and NA enhances opportunities for success (https://acudetox.com/).
This protocol was offered to First Responders and trauma survivors immediately following the attacks on 9/11. A NADA-based acudetox stress clinic was also made available to those who lived and worked in the area around Ground Zero, their families and those who provided their care.

Do you have a group of officers or support staff who would benefit from Group Ear Acupuncture?
Contact bLuE E.A.R. for more information.

“I felt like I took a Xanax after this treatment, I was so calm.”
“I slept great after my ear acupuncture treatment!”

Where we’ve been…
022nd District
008th District
010th District
Education and Training Division -Jackson Blvd.
Education and Training Division -South Shore H.S.
FOP Lodge 7
004th District
009th District
003rd District
011th District
Joint Public Safety Training Campus
Homan Square
002nd District
022nd District 〰️ 008th District 〰️ 010th District 〰️ EAP 〰️ Education and Training Division -Jackson Blvd. 〰️ Education and Training Division -South Shore H.S. 〰️ FOP Lodge 7 〰️ 004th District 〰️ 009th District 〰️ 003rd District 〰️ 011th District 〰️ Joint Public Safety Training Campus 〰️ Homan Square 〰️ 002nd District 〰️
Where we’re going…
Stay Tuned!
Stay Tuned!
Stay Tuned!
Stay Tuned!